Tuesday 8 April 2014

Sensing Lent 30: Mills and Murals

Reigate Mill Church.
An unexpected trip today to a windmill which is a church inside, gave some pictoral aids to preparing for Holy Week. First of all a theological equation which tries to 'explain' the trinity, followed by the story of Jesus' crucifixion in a series of wall murals.
As this Lenten project is all about letting things speak for themselves, I'll leave you with the pictures pure and simple. Suffice it to say that pictures tell just as eloquently as words, if not more so, the story of Jesus' death on the cross, towards which we journey this Lent.

Whilst the first mural is about a rather abstract idea, neatly set out in a way which might appeal to mathematicians or philosophers; for those unfamiliar with Jesus' crucifixion, we're dealing in more concrete things here: thorns, hammers, ladders, dice, discarded clothing, nails, sour wine, hyssop, spears, a cross and a shroud.

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